Under new leadership, KRCL’s modernized office serves as a catalyst for the firm’s new business plan which aims to identify, empower and attract the next generation of leaders. Located in Bank of America Plaza, K2 Construction completed this two-floor renovation to relocate their Dallas headquarters. The new space provides cutting-edge work areas designed to facilitate efficiency and communication among attorneys and staff while providing the firm with the additional space it needs to accommodate its current and future growth plans.
45,000 SF
Dallas, Texas
Design Firm:
Callison RTKL
Project Manager:
Stillwater Capital
This high-end project was completed in an accelerated 12 weeks despite challenges including material delivery and trash hauls limited to once weekly, two rounds of schedule-altering design adjustments and a delayed project award, eliminating the opportunity for K2 to place material orders in advance of construction commencement.
They are on top of their game, have ready access to all the requisite information and know the schedule and numbers backwards and forward. Even when there are occasional bumps, including when they had no involvement in the source of the bumps, they are even handed and fast to seek a solution. Top notch provider, who I would insist work on our next project at Bank of America Plaza.
Raymond J. Kane
Director, KRCL